Pre-Seasonal beach tags for summer 2025 available NOW!
Beach Tags are required for all beachgoers, ages 12 and older, and are in effect from June 7, 2025 through September 1 2025. Only seasonal tags are available for purchase if using online or mail order options. Weekly, Daily and Military Beach Tags will be available at a later date.
If Purchasing For Christmas...
please have internet / mail orders placed no later than Monday, December 16, 2024
Why Beach tags?
Beach tags are required in most municipalities along the New Jersey coastline. They are a user fee to help offset the local municipalities cost of maintaining their beaches and providing lifeguards and other services such as trash removal, beach cleaning and the purchase of needed equipment and police protection.
The cost of these items and all of the other beach benefits are supported by this user fee known as the beach tag. The beach fee program was approved by the residents of Ocean City in 1976 and continued since that time to help offset all of the costs associated with the beach.